District 30,
Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve these last 2 years. I have learned a lot about the willingness of AA members to seek out new ways to help carry the message that was so freely given to us. Over the last quarter, I did distribute some literature to the Sobering center in Tulsa. You graciously gave me $100 last meeting. I have only spent about $25 of that and combined that with quite a bit of the free literature available to us while the center was getting started. The new program in Tulsa seems to be doing well, and have asked for more. I will coordinate this with whoever gets to serve in this capacity for the next couple of years. The Muskogee VA is still looking for people to bring meetings into their facility. If you are interested, contact Arena at (918)770-2925. Thank you to all of you that have helped fill needs these last couple of years and keep up the good work. Thank you for helping me stay in the middle. Love and service,
Patrick D