
 June 2018 Dist. 30 Corrections Report
    Our Area continues to fill our correctional facilities with both English and Spanish big books. Most facilities in our state have received at least one big book. This is a huge feat in carrying the message to the still suffering alcoholic. This all has been accomplished by individual donations of both money and old big books, the coins for cons campaign that our Area 57 Corrections Chair has really pushed, and a lot of hard work by our Area 57 Corrections Chair.
    There are many ways to be involved in correctional work. In fact, the other day I received an email from Diana Lewis who serves as the Corrections Coordinator at GSO. In her email she said that there is a great need for male volunteers for corrections correspondence. As of today, GSO has a waiting list of over 100 male AA members in prison who are waiting for an outside AA member to write them. If you are interested in this please visit the Corrections Correspondence Service page on or contact me and I will be happy to help you get signed up.
    Another great way to get involved in corrections work is by donating old paperback big books. These can either be dropped off at the Central Service office or you can contact me and I can come pick them up. If your group does not have a coins for cons can you can easily start one by taking an old coffee can and printing off a coins for cons paper from our Area website. The money collected can either be dropped off at Central Service office, dropped off to me, or you can use the money to buy a book to send to a correctional facility. 
    The District 40 Corrections Chair and I are attempting to put together a corrections workshop in the Tulsa area. Right now we are looking at Saturday July 21st. When we hammer out all of the details a flier will be made with all needed information. 
    As always it is an honor and privilege to serve our District as the Corrections Chair. Thank you all for allowing me to be of service.
                            Bill B.